On this page we will list some of the acronyms, the list will be updated over time.

AAT = Ambient Air Temp. sensor

TC1TOP = Turbocharger 1 Turbine Outlet Pressure

TC2WC = Turbocharger 2 wastegate control solenoid

TC2CIT = Turbocharger 2 Compressor Intake Temperature

IAH relay = Intake air heater relay

ITV = Intake throttle valve

ITVH = Intake Throttle Valve High

ITVP = Intake Throttle Valve Position

IST = Idle Shutdown Timer

ICP = Injection Control Pressure

IAT = Intake Air Temp.

EGDP = Exhaust Gas Differential Pressure

EFP = Electric Fuel Pump

ECT = Engine Coolant Temp

ECL = Engine Coolant Level

ETP = Engine Throttle Position

ETC = engine throttle control

EOT = Engine Oil Temp

EOP = Engine Oil Pressure

MAF = Mass Air Flow

CACOT = Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature

CMP = Camshaft Position

FPCV = Fuel Pressure Control Valve